sale day information
Emerald Saleyards, commencing at 10.00am
All bulls will be available for inspection from 4pm Sunday afternoon prior to the sale or by prior arrangement with the vendors.
All bulls are guaranteed breeders and have passed an ACV Bull Soundness Evaluation semen test and structural assessment prior to the sale. Any claim against the breeding ability of an animal purchased should be made in writing and accompanied by a veterinary certificate within 6 months of the sale date. Any animal failing to breed may either be replaced or a credit given to the value of the puchase price at the following sale.
Please refer to individual vendor lots for vaccination details. A suppplementary Sheet providing semen test, scrotal circumference, weight and EMA scans will be available on sale day. All bulls pre-treated for ticks to allow movement to tick free areas.
Central Reds Sale Bulls are offered under three classifications;
Registered Bulls - two registered parents both with registered identification numbers.
Droughtmaster Herd Bulls - One registered parent with a registered identificatiuon number.
Herd Bulls - A herd bull does not have any registered parents.
Each vendor guarantees the fertility of their bulls from up to 6 months from sale date. All claims must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate.
All reasonable care has been taken by the vendors to ensure that the information provided in this catalogue and website is correct at the time of publication. However, neither the vendors or the selling agents make no other representation about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information provided in this catalogue or website and do not assume any responsibility for the use or interpretation of the information included in this catalogue or website. You are encouraged to seek independent verification of any information contained in this catalogue or on the website before relying on such information. Please be aware of the conditions of entry into the Emerald Saleyards before entering the premises.
A rebate of $50/bull will be available to buyers who purchase 3 or more bulls.
The Central Reds recommend the Emerald Western Gateway Motel 1300 032 759
At least 24 hours prior to the sale written notification must be given to either of the nominated selling agents.
INSURANCE: Will be available from your preferred agent on sale day.
selling agents

Dane Pearce - 0439 917 428
Justin Rohde - 0436 029 196
Jack Simmons - 0418 184 389

preferred accommodation